
Letter & Spirit, Volume 1: Reading Salvation: Word, Worship, and the Mysteries is unavailable, but you can change that!

Letter and Spirit is a journal of Catholic biblical theology that seeks to foster a deeper conversation on Sacred Scripture. It aims to address the many questions surrounding the Bible and including • What is it? • Where does it come from? • How should you read it? • What claim should it make in your life, on the teaching and practice of the Church, or the world you live in? This...

transformative and restorative. Recognition of this biblical worldview has important hermeneutical implications. The interpreter of the Bible enters into a dialogue with a book that is itself an exegetical dialogue—a complex and highly cohesive interpretive web in which the meaning of earlier texts is discerned in the later texts and in which later texts can only be understood in relation to ones that came earlier. In order to read the texts as they are written the exegete needs to acknowledge the
Pages 133–134